Pack 577's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 577
(Plymouth, Minnesota)
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Welcome to Pack 577!

Our website has moved!! Check out: Cub Scout Pack 577 of Plymouth

Unit Overview

Cub Scout Pack 577 is located in Plymouth, MN and includes families from Zachary Lane Elementary, FAIR Pilgrim Lane, and the surrounding area.  The Pack is chartered by the Plymouth Lions Club and is open to boys and girls in Kindergarten - 5th Grade.

Pack 577 holds at least one Pack Meeting every month. These activities are held at Zachary Lane Elementary or a nearby location and include all Cub Scouts and their families. Events include games, skits, community service, outdoor skills, and emergency preparedness.   

Individual Scouts are assigned to Dens based on their grade level and/or age. Each of the Dens meets separately from the Pack at least once a month. Den meetings are generally held at local venues (school, park facilities, etc.), but can also held at the home of one of the Den parents.

Pack Contact Information

We welcome all new families to join us on our upcoming events!

New Webpage: Pack 577 of Plymouth
